Cartridge cupcakes (and a zombie in the kitchen)

I have been on a cake baking frenzy for the last week. First Little Miss Macnab demanded a chocolate llama cake for her third birthday (she wasn’t 100% sure what a llama was but was 110% sure that she wanted a cake in the shape of one), and then I had this brilliant idea for the next Shotgun & Chelsea Bun Club: cartridge cupcakes.

Now, the llama gave me a few worrying moments, but she turned out alright in the end (Little Miss Macnab insists that almost everything is female). The cartridge cupcakes left me looking like a zombie – white faced thanks to excessive icing sugar/cornflour in the atmosphere, and with green and yellow finger nails and red-streaked palms thanks to excessive food colouring application.

I think they turned out rather well though. Now I’ll just have to see if I can manage to get them to Barbury tomorrow without them exploding on the way……and if I can get my fingers back to a slightly healthier colour.

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